Supernatural Baby Detective #1 - Digital


Supernatural Baby Detective #1 is a 24-page noir based Lovecraftian comedy-horror. Its twists and turns will have you recoiling, laughing, and wondering what’s happening next. 

Who Might Like Supernatural Baby Detective?
If reading supernatural detective series like Hellblazer - or you if love a good romp through Hellboy, before washing it down with a viewing of Guillermo Del Toro’s Pan - then this story may well be up your dark, twisted comics-loving alley.

In the rainy Jet City private investigator Frank Solomon is investigating a series of mysterious kidnappings.  Despite his limited leads, Frank's determination to uncover the truth keeps him going. Fueled by a hunch, Frank visits an old private island. he discovers disturbing scenes of ritualistic gatherings involving bizarre creatures and a horrifying table laden with blood-stained items. Amidst the chaos, Frank encounters the mad Easter Bunny who attacks him, setting up a whirlwind ride.

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